Intro call – I offer a free 15-min intro video call to new clients. This is an opportunity for us to see how we might work together and to ask any questions you may have.
First session – Here, I will ask more biographical questions than usual to gather information about your life. By the end of the session, we should know whether we want to work together. If we choose to continue, we will then sign the contract and book a further five sessions.
Open-ended therapy – Around the sixth session, we’ll review our work and decide how to progress. Usually, we continue to meet weekly in an open-ended fashion, remaining in conversation about how our work is progressing. Occasionally, we may choose to work for a set number of sessions if that suits the client best.
Cost – 55 minute sessions cost €100 / £80. I offer a lower fee to people who need it, so please contact me if this applies to you. You can pay by card during the session or via bank transfer.